Resources – Book : Art of Islam (Temporis Series)

As you might now I am still recovering from my wrist and arm injury – which later revealed to be Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (I am typing this entirely using my left hand) I have been reading a lot of books in Islamic art lately not just because I cannot do anything else much, but also because I now have easier access to materials and resources, especially during these pandemic time. I think through books, instead of just reading on the internet, is a good way to absorb information on any information, as they are usually written by capable authors who are experts in their fields.

I have been reading an epub version of Art of Islam these few weeks, and I think it is a fascinatingly detailed take on viewing Islamic art and architecture. The book discussed many topics on Islamic aesthetics across its many forms from architecture to fine arts to manuscripts in different regions of the Islamic world. Although I noted that some regions are not represented here, for example The Malay Nusantara or the Sudano-Saheli. The regions discussed here are mostly the regions that are famous for their beautiful execution and interpretation of Islamic aesthetics. However, it also bring forward several topics which are less discussed in the Islamic world, for example sculpture work and enameled glass. Furthermore it also discusses the history of each art form and the influences that help to shape Islamic art as we know and love today.

Nevertheless, the topics discussed was short but yet full of information. In my opinion this book affords the reader a very good introduction on Islamic art and architecture as it focuses on the best examples of Islamic art and architecture. If you have the means to access it, perhaps in your local library or procure it from a bookstore or online vendor, I sincerely think this is a great introduction to the Art of Islam.

Internet Finds : The Art of Islam (Art History Documentary)

Apaprently its almost two weeks that I have not typed anything at all! My wrist is still hurting, and I am writing this with a thick wrist splint over my right hand.

So as I am still recuperating from the injuries I spend most of my time reading and watching YouTube videos on Islamic art and architecture.When I scrolled through my Youtube feed this came along, and I think it is a good documentary on our shared interest

As I have not much of a capability to type long articles as for now I can only write a few lines. Anyway I hope you enjoy this short documentary and tell me what you think.

A little Update

Assalamualaikum everyone! I hope this message finds you well and happy in this uncertain time.

First of all I would like to thank you, my readers, for you continued support for this blog. I truly appreciate every visit, email and comment that I received.

I would like to inform you that due to an unfortunate injury to my right arm (probably Carpel Tunnel syndrome) , which makes it very hard to type even this small message, let alone a whole blog post!

Although fret not, I have readied a few articles to post periodically that I typed beforehand so that the blog have some material while I recuperate from the injury.

I hope you have a great week ahead and please take care of yourselves. I will see you soon!